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request all companies interested in purchasing the products of Kharg Petrochemical Company

request all companies interested in purchasing the products of Kharg Petrochemical Company

In the Name of God
We kindly request all companies interested in purchasing the products of Kharg Petrochemical Company, including Methanol, Propane, Butane (pressurized cold LPG), Pentane Plus (Naphtha), and Granulated Sulfur, as well as shipowners and brokers, to submit the following documents to the email address m.arjmandi@khipc.com for identity verification and qualification purposes. This will enable them to be included in the company’s customer list and to receive invitations to participate in product sales tenders and ship chartering bids.
The deadline for submission is 48 hours from today, Thursday, January 16, 2025.

Thank you,
Public Relations Department
Kharg Petrochemical Company

٢٢:٢٦ - 1403/10/27    /    شماره : ٤٣٧    /    تعداد نمایش : ٩٤
