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Spot Tender for 20 KT METHANOL First Half MARCH 2023/ INDIA MARKET

Tender: No.: KPC-23-06
Invitation for Sale of Methanol
Dear Messer;
Please be informed that, KPC (Khark Petrochemical Co.) is willing to sell the Methanol for India Market as per following terms and conditions.
You are kindly requested to fill out following form submit directly to TENDER@KHIPC.COM. Offers with incomplete information will not be considered.
If you have any other question, please do not hesitate to send email to s.shahbakhsh@khipc.com or contact the under sign. +98 21 26132171

دانلود فايل : latin.pdf ( 255KB )

١٦:٢٠ - 1401/11/30    /    شماره : ٩١    /    تعداد نمایش : ٥٠١
