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Tender: No.: KPC-24-51

Invitation for Sale of Methanol

Dear All;
Please be informed that, KPC (Khark Petrochemical Co) is willing to sell a Spot Methanol FOB basis as per following terms and conditions. You are kindly requested to complete the following form and send only to tender@khipc.com.
Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email s.shahbakhsh@khipc.com or via the under sign +98 21 26132171


Quantity     20,000 MT+/-10% at Seller’s option

Quality    As per KPC guaranteed  Specifications

Delivery Term    Fob Kharg Island

Shipment Time    During 2nd Half March or 1st Half April 2024

Payment Terms    20 % by CASH within two days after issuance of PI and 80% remained before vessel Arrival at Loading Port/berthing in Euro or AED to a nominated account out of Iran
NOTE: if sales committee decide to make any changes on payment terms, it can be applied to above terms.

Loading Port    Kharg Island

Inspection    The Seller"s appoint his own inspector (IEI) at load port. The Buyer has the option to appoint an alternative inspector at their own expense,subject to the sellers approval.

Pricing Formula   

Price : FOB kharg  =C X alpha –FreightUSD/MT
C =Average of mid-point of METHANOL spot prices CFR India in USD/MT quoted by ICIS pricing (Methanol–Asia Pacific) publication under heading “SPOT PRICES” and Platt’s Asian Petrochemical scan publication under heading “Aromatics”” .

*2 issues will be taken for each Publication as per bellow :
-Quotations to be applied shall be the average of the following published quotes: (1) the quote published one week before the week of the BL at loading port, (2) the quote published during the week of BL at loading port.-In case that mentioned publications are not published or are not available, the unpublished quote shall be omitted.

-Alpha and Freight to be submitted by bidder.

Validity   This Tender will be valid till Sunday 25-02-2024, offers received after the due time would be discarded. Your proposal shall remain valid until Wednesday 28-02-2024 (COB Tehran Time) for our verification.



•    Offers with incomplete information will not be deemed eligible for consideration.
•    Participants shall complete the company registration in KPC sales system through following link:

•    KPC reserves the right to scrap the tender with no reasoning.
•    KPC reserves the right to accept or reject the offers provided by bidders
•    Week is defined to run from Monday to Sunday.
•    The nominated vessel shall be confirmed by Seller






            TEST                                            ASTM METHOD     RESULTS

1- PURITY WT%                                MIN.    ASTM E-346        99.85             
2- WATER  WT%.                              MAX.    ASTM E-1064                    0.1     
3-ACETONE & ALDEHYDE WT%           MAX.    ASTM D-1612        0.003
4-ETHANOL WT%                              MAX.    ASTM E-346        0.004
5- SP.GR @ 20/20°C                            MAX.    ASTM D-4052        0.7928
6- ACETONE WT%                             MAX.     ASTM E-346        0.002
7-PERMANGANATE TIME                                ASTM D-1363    GREATER THAN 60 MIN
8-NON VOLATILE MATTER                              ASTM D-1353    LESS THAN 8mg /1000ML   
9-DISTILATION RANGE °C                              ASTM D-1078    NOT MORE THAN 1°C AND SHALL INCLUDE 64.6°C+ 0.1°C
10-COLOR  PT-Co Scale                       MAX.    ASTM D-1209                    5
11-CARBONIZABLE                             MAX.    ASTM E-346                   30
12-PH                                               MAX    ASTM D-1293                   7.5
13-IRON PPM                                     MAX.   ASTM D-1068                   0.1
14-CHLORIDE PPM                              MAX.    ASTM D-512                    0.2
15-APPEARANCE                                              ____-              CLEAR AND FREE FROM SUSPENDED MATTER
16-ODOR                                                     ASTM D-1296    CHARACTERISTIC    NONRESIDUAL
17-MISCIBILITY                                            ASTM D-1722     PASSES TEST
18-ACIDITY AS CH3COOH%                MAX.    ASTM D-1613              0.003
19-ALKALINITY AS NH3%                   MAX.    ASTM D-1614              0.003
20-HYDROCARBONS                                      ASTM D-1722     PASSES TEST
21-SULFUR PPM                                 MAX     ASTM D-5623               0.2
22-TMA    PPb                                   MAX     ASTM E-346               50

دانلود فايل : tender_NO_KPC-24-51_Methanol__.pdf ( 289KB )

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