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extension tender NO KPC-23-27 Methanol china market

extension tender NO KPC-23-27 Methanol china market

Invitation for Sale of Methanol Dear All
Please be informed that KPC (Khark Petrochemical Co) is willing to extend the deadline of tender NO. KPC-23-27 till end of Friday 08.09.2023 and all offers shall be valid untill end of Monday 11.09.2023. You are kindly requested to send your offer only to tender@khipc.com. Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email s.shahbakhsh@khipc.com or via the under sign +98 21 26132171

دانلود فايل : KPC-23-27_Methanol_china_market.pdf ( 422KB )

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