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sell a Spot Methanol to India Tender: No.: KPC-23-30

Tender: No.: KPC-23-30

Invitation for Sale of Methanol

Dear All;
Please be informed that, KPC (Khark Petrochemical Co) is willing to sell a Spot Methanol to India as per following terms and conditions. You are kindly requested to complete the following form and send only to tender@khipc.com.
Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email s.shahbakhsh@khipc.com or via the under sign +98 21 26132171

Name of Company:


Quantity________________________ 20,000 MT +/-10% at Seller’s option

Quality__________________________As per KPC guaranteed  Specifications

Delivery Term__________________ Fob Kharg Island

Shipment Time________________-During September & October 2023

Payment Terms________________10 % by CASH within two days after issuance of PI and 90% remained before vessel Arrival/berthing in Euro or AED to a nominated account out of Iran
NOTE: if sales committee decide to make any changes on payment terms, it can be applied to above terms.

Loading Port__________________- Kharg Island

Discharge Port________________-India

Inspection______________________The Seller"s appoint his own inspector (IEI) at load port. The Buyer has the option to appoint an alternative inspector at their own expense,subject to the sellers approval

Pricing Formula________________Price : FOB kharg  =C X alpha – 40 USD/MT

C =Average of mid-point of METHANOL spot prices CFR India in USD/MT quoted by ICIS pricing (Methanol–Asia Pacific) publication under heading “SPOT PRICES” and Platt’s Asian Petrochemical scan publication under heading “Aromatics”” .*2 issues will be taken for each Publication as per bellow :
-Quotations to be applied shall be the average of the following published quotes: (1) the quote published one week before the week of the BL at loading port, (2) the quote published during the week of BL at loading port.-In case that mentioned publications are not published or are not available, the unpublished quote shall be omitted.

Validity______________________-This Tender will be valid till end of Saturday 16-09-2023, offers received after the due time would be discarded. Your proposal shall remain valid until Monday 18-09-2023 (COB Tehran Time) for our verification and obtaining board approvals.


•    Offers with incomplete information will not be deemed eligible for consideration.

•    Participants shall complete the company registration in KPC sales system through following link: https://khargpetrochemical.ir/index.aspx?&siteid=2&&siteid=1&pageid=260

•    KPC reserves the right to scrap the tender with no reasoning.

•    KPC reserves the right to accept or reject the offers provided by bidders

•    Week is defined to run from Monday to Sunday.

•    The nominated vessel shall be confirmed by Seller



 TEST                                                                                              ASTM METHOD                                    RESULTS

1- PURITY WT%                                             MIN.                       ASTM E-346                                         99.85
2- WATER  WT%.                                           MAX.                      ASTM E-1064                                       0.1     
3-ACETONE & ALDEHYDE WT%                     MAX.                      ASTM D-1612                                       0.003
4-ETHANOL WT%                                           MAX.                      ASTM E-346                                         0.004
5- SP.GR @ 20/20°C                                       MAX.                      ASTM D-4052                                       0.7928
6- ACETONE WT%                                          MAX.                      ASTM E-346                                         0.002
7-PERMANGANATE TIME                                                               ASTM D-1363                           GREATER THAN 60 MIN
8-NON VOLATILE MATTER                                                             ASTM D-1353                            LESS THAN 8mg /1000ML   
9-DISTILATION RANGE °C                                                            ASTM D-1078        NOT MORE THAN 1°C AND SHALL INCLUDE 64.6°C+ 0.1°C
10-COLOR  PT-Co Scale                                 MAX.                       ASTM D-1209                                           5
11-CARBONIZABLE                                        MAX.                       ASTM E-346                                             30
12-PH                                                             MAX                        ASTM D-1293                                           7.5
13-IRON PPM                                                 MAX.                       ASTM D-1068                                          0.1
14-CHLORIDE PPM                                        MAX.                        ASTM D-512                                            0.2
15-APPEARANCE                                                                             ____-                            CLEAR AND FREE FROM SUSPENDED MATTER
16-ODOR                                                                                       ASTM D-1296                   CHARACTERISTIC    NONRESIDUAL
17-MISCIBILITY                                                                             ASTM D-1722                                     PASSES TEST
18-ACIDITY AS CH3COOH%                        MAX.                        ASTM D-1613                                         0.003
19-ALKALINITY AS NH3%                             MAX.                        ASTM D-1614                                          0.003
20-HYDROCARBONS                                                                     ASTM D-1722                                    PASSES TEST
21-SULFUR PPM                                            MAX                         ASTM D-5623                                            0.2
22-TMA    PPb                                               MAX                          ASTM E-346                                              50


دانلود فايل : tender_NO_KPC-23-30_Methanol_India_Market.pdf ( 138KB )

١٦:٤٧ - سه شنبه ٢١ شهريور ١٤٠٢    /    شماره : ١٨٩    /    تعداد نمایش : ٤٥٣
